Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Check out the fantastic dances that our class presented last week.  Great job! The rubrics were sent home yesterday for parents' signatures.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Good News and "Out of this World"

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who were winners in Friday's Good New ticket draw:  Alanna (6/7 Cow), Jason (7/8 M), Ethan L., Ryar, and Emma.  Keep up the good work!

Thursday was another dreary day that resulted in indoor recess.  My camera lens captured some "space cadets" who were "out of this world".  You just never know from one day to the next what will happen in grade 6/7C.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Image result for blue ribbon for autismHere is a last minute reminder for all staff and students of St. Gabriel to wear blue to school on Monday.  If you have a ribbon that Kendra and Emma made and distributed last week, wear that too, in support of the LaPorte Family that will be returning to school on Monday.  Emma and Kendra will also be presenting the money that they collected to the Autism Society during our assembly tomorrow.
Image result for blue ribbon for autism

Friday, January 27, 2017


In a display of sympathy, our entire student body lined the street in front of our school so that we could view the funeral procession of Elery LaPorte today during the lunch hour on Thursday.  Our flag was flown at half-mast, we had a banner to display that all staff and students signed, and all were very solemn.

Some very empathetic girls from our class took this tragedy and decided to turn it into an opportunity to do good.  Emma and Kendra purchased the supplies to make commemorative ribbons in Elery's favourite colours and collect donations which will be given to the Autism Society in her name.  Special thanks to their parents that assisted and supported this venture.  As of Thursday at noon, they had already collected over $400 and had created over 400 ribbons.  Awesome community service ladies!  That is the Guardian Way!

Image result for mathPlease note: The math test that was originally scheduled for Monday, will now be held on Tuesday.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


After returning to school after the holidays, we continued with our inference work that we started in December.  We have learned how to make four types of inferences, have learned to infer character traits of characters in texts, and we now see how many opportunities to infer present themselves in one text. Here are the latest mentor texts that have been used in the classroom.  Ask your child about them:
Image result for two bad ants     Image result for wild bog tea

We will catch up on some writing time for the rest of this week, work on some grammar next week then will likely have an evaluation shortly after that.  Stay tuned!

Do you ever wonder what effect, if any, screen time has on our children?  Click here to get the "inside story".

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Blog Math

Image result for applesSome students handed in some very appealing solutions to last week's blog math problem.  (the theme of the week seems to be puns - a reported 37 on Monday alone!) The correct response was that the cost of the apples was $0.80/kg, therefore 10 kg would be 10 x $0.80 = $8.00  (NOT $0.80 x 10)

Here is the next question which is due on Tuesday January 31 at 8:10 AM.

Image result for cookiesThe students are selling cookies at a school fair. Sara is selling three chocolate chip cookies for $2.49. If you wanted to buy one cookie from Sara, how much would it cost? How much would it cost to buy 20 of Sara’s cookies?  John is selling seven chocolate chip cookies for $5.39. Who offers the better price, Sara or John? Justify your thinking using all of the steps of problem solving.

Image result for danceDance update:  All groups have been videoed and have viewed their work.  We discussed together some possible modifications to improve their dance which will be evaluated on Friday.  Watch for the rubrics to come home on Monday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Sad News

Image result for angelIt is with heavy hearts that our school community extends our sincere condolences to the LaPorte Family.  Their dear daughter and sister suddenly passed away on Friday.  Two of her siblings attend St. Gabriel School and their mother is a teacher at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School.

Click this link for more information.

A note was sent home yesterday from the school that may assist you in discussing this with your children.  Please ask your child(ren) for it.
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Monday morning, Mr. K. Hamlin presented all the grade 6, 7, and 8 students with information about the F. J. Brennan/Corpus Christi Sports Academy.  If your child is interested, please contact the office or the Sports Academy directly.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Good News

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won the Good News ticket draw on Thursday:  Arianna, Ethan L., and Josh.  Keep up the good work!

Image result for book talk Did you know that our class began working on the next book talk last week?  The students must read a biography or autobiography, because this is the genre that we are studying in class right now.  Presentations will begin later this month and continue into February.  This work is done completely at school.

Image result for biographyOur class also began a research paper last week.  Each student is researching and will report on a famous person of their choice, with some limitations.  The grade seven students had to select a person related to our history curriculum, and the grade sixes chose someone of hero status, not an entertainer or professional athlete.  These will also be completed in class.

Friday, January 20, 2017

P.D. Day!

Image result for P.D.Day
Image result for P.D.Day

Enjoy your day off while all of your teachers and other school staff are hard at work.  See you Monday!

Image result for history

Yesterday marked our last grade seven history class for this school year (I guess you could say it is HISTORY. LOL).  Summative tasks were not returned because not all students have been present to write it.  Hopefully they will be returned on Monday.

Image result for history