Friday, June 19, 2015

Welcome to Urban Surf!

Eager anticipation!
All tied up!
We had a fantastic day yesterday at Urban Surf.  Although the weather seemed to tease us, it wound up being perfect:  warm, humid, and mostly overcast.  When the sun did shine it was very steamy!  The water was calm, the students amazing, and the frozen treats delicious.  We were told by the staff that this was the best group of students they had ever worked with and that we are welcomed to come back any time!  I was personally told that our students are polite, respectful, and they treated the equipment with much care.  Way to go Guardians!  The students also said that this was the best field trip ever!  Since I stayed with my group for most of the day (except lunchtime when we all ate together), I do not yet have photos of everyone.  The other teachers and the Urban Surf staff promised to send me more which I will share, of course.  Please check out these photos, so that you can see what we were involved in!
Zack and MacKenzie
Being "knotty"

Word games

human alphabet

Boot Camp
Boot Camp

Chris provided the paddle boarding lesson
The equipment eagerly awaited

Easy does it!

Surf's up!
Here we go!
We are mastering it!

Now, to dock it!

Smooth and steady!

Lunch time!

Mingling with friends

We needed nourishment 


A casual game of soccer

Lawn chairs, hammocks, you name it!

Boot camp

Balance and coordination!
"Shade tanning" beauties!

More paddlers

Baby turtles
fun with friends
duckweek and other
pond plants

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