Thursday, June 18, 2015

Creating Flying Devices

We wrapped up our study of air and flight by applying our knowledge of the properties of air to create various flying devices.  Our warm-up task was to create any flying device of our choice (shown here using white paper).  We then had to test it at each of three "airports" to see what our device did best.  We then classified the devices according to their performance.  We examined the devices to see why they performed the way they did.  We consolidated our new learning before we moved on to the task that was evaluated.

 The summative task involved following a prescribed set of instructions to make an E-Flyer (shown here using blue paper).  We tested them and had to demonstrate our understanding of how ailerons work by adjusting the flaps on them and explaining why and how the flight patterns changed.  Rubrics were sent home on Wednesday for your review..

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