Wednesday, June 24, 2015

VIP Graduation

Yesterday we celebrated our successful completion of the VIP (Values, Influences, Peers) Program.  We had a fantastic potluck lunch, Staff Sergeant Mizuno shared the afternoon with us, we watched a slide show prepared by the teachers about our community service work, Staff spoke to us and inspired us to continue to make good decisions, we received our t-shirts (thanks to the St. Gabriel SAC) and certificates, signed each other's shirts, and recognized the top five community service workers in our group.  It was a great time!  Check out the pictures!

2015 Grade 6 VIP Graduates

Top Five community Service workers (Hunter is absent)

 I wish to extend a very sincere thank you to all of the families who supported us by supplying a menu item for our lunch.  I told the students that I have never seen a nicer collection of items - very tasty and healthy too!  I know that this is not always an easy feat in these busy times, but we sure enjoyed it!  We will be eating again on Wednesday (items will be warmed as needed).

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