Monday, June 15, 2015

Good News and Great News!

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the Good News ticket winners from last week:  Gina and Helena.  Keep up the great work!


Great News! - Hannah loves her new technology!

Image result for paddleboarding Our final field trip of the year in on the horizon and forms went home last week.  Please return them completed, with the money by Tuesday at the latest.  Pray for good weather!  Click here for easy access to the Urban Surf website.

 Our final CASI reading evaluations have been written and scored.  After I compared the results from September (diagnostic) with this final result (summative) I am pleased to announce that the following students' overall level increased ONE FULL level:  Julia, Brooke, Hannah, Mahleik, Matt, Gina, Joey, Connor, Kameron, Katarina, Karissa, Logan, and Helena.  I am also pleased to announce that the following students' overall level increased TWO FULL levels:  Robert and Christian. 
Some students also scored an overall level 4......ask your child if that was them.  All students have had the opportunity to view their evaluated work.

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