Thursday, June 04, 2015

Final CASI

Image result for CASIDo you remember visiting the school in February and viewing your child's portfolio during the Student-Led Conferences?  One of the items that you perused was the two CASI reading evaluations that your child had done until that point.  The first one was diagnostic and the second one was formative.  Attached to them was a cover letter explaining the process. 
 Well, now it is time for them to do the final CASI of the year.  Since all reading strategies have been formally taught, this entire third CASI will count toward their reading mark that will appear on their final report card.  This evaluation is planned for Monday June 8.  In anticipation of this event, it is recommended that students review the Literacy anchor charts that are related to reading and conventions.  Please note that a magenta coloured arrow Image result for magenta arrowhad been placed near the anchor charts on our web site (Literacy Anchor Chart Archive page) indicating the ones that I recommend that they review.  It will be interesting to note each student's progress since September!
Don't forget that all eight reading strategies will be evaluated in this order:  summary, main idea, conventions (punctuation, grammar, word study), text form, text features, inference, connection, point of view.  Feel free to have your child practise these with the text that they are reading at home!  Happy practising!
Image result for reading

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