Wednesday, June 03, 2015

VIP Field Trip on the Horizon

Image result for windsor police logoYesterday all grade six students received green permission forms indicating the next field trip that we will be going on.  On Wednesday June 10 we will travel to the Major F. A. Tilston Armoury and Police Training Centre on Sandwich Street.  We will get more information about the training that police officers participate in and also see demonstrations of some of the techniques that they must use to diffuse potentially serious situations.  We will be travelling by bus.  Since the majority of the time will be spent outdoors, it is required that students wear sunscreen, appropriate clothing, and even a hat to protect them from the harmful rays.  We will be eating lunch when we return, which will be a little later than usual.  Please fill in the permission form and return it with the cost by Monday June 8, 2015.  If you have any questions please feel free to call the school.  Thank you very much in advance! Image result for Values Influences, Peers logo

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