Monday, June 22, 2015

Good News

Image result for Good News Congratulations to the following students who were last week's Good News ticket winners for the second last draw of the school year:  Katarina, Robert, and Eric.  Who will win next week??????

Here are the last two sets of vocabulary words.  They just keep on coming and Isaac tells me that he needs to do eight words per day this week to present all that he has prepared.  AMAZING!

Check this out:  Christian was able to work some magic with his calculator and see what he came up with!

Don't forget that tomorrow is our VIP graduation.  Each student has signed up for a menu item.  Thank you very  much in advance!  We will eat at 12:10 as usual, but the teachers will begin setting up the gym at 11:30.  Please make sure that all containers and utensils are labelled if you would like them back.  Cold items will be stored in the fridge and items that need to be heated can be done in the oven.

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