Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Results and Squares

I am quite pleased with the number of students who correctly identified that object B has more purple than object A.  Some students explained it using words (a qualitative explanation), while many others used fractions and/or percents to explain that while the sections of purple are the same size, there is less white in object B than in A because the original rectangles were not the same size (quantitative explanation).  Great proportional reasoning!

Image result for victoria day 2015Here is the next question to consider.  It is due on Tuesday May 19 since Monday May 18 is the Victoria Day holiday.  Please do the question on lined binder paper and place it in the IN BOX when it is complete.  Only three students did not hand in last week's question on time and had to use a recess to complete it.

Image result for squareWhich is more square, a rectangle that measures 35cm x 39cm or a rectangle that measures 22cm x 25cm?  Justify your thinking.

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