Friday, May 01, 2015

Fairy Tales

group 1:  beginning
group 1:  middle
group 1:  end
Last week the students completed their tableaux assignment:  display three scenes from a fairy tale (beginning, middle, end) so that your audience can guess which story you are portraying.  Check out the results!  Can you guess?  The choices are:  Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, The Three Little Pigs, Cinderella.  Rubrics went home on Tuesday for a parent's signature.
group 2:  beginning

group 2:  middle
group 2:  end

group 3:  beginning

group 3:  middle

group 4:  beginning
group 3:  end

group 4: middle

group 4:  end

Coming to a classroom near you:  Casts with scripts to memorize, costumes and props to create and organize, lights and sound to add!

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