Saturday, May 23, 2015


Image result for eqao clipartAs you know, we will begin the junior EQAO assessment bright and early on Monday morning.  PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT STUDENTS ARE NOT LATE as this will cause unnecessary interruptions for others when they are trying to concentrate, and will result in late students missing instructions for that day.  The testing will last for the next six school days (morning only), so unless an illness develops, please ensure that school is attended daily!

Image result for eqao clipartIn order to prepare, make sure that students are in bed early each night, eat a good breakfast, bring a healthy morning snack and a water bottle that can remain on their desk for the day.  Wearing comfortable clothing is also a great idea since they will be required to remain sitting for the duration of the test.  On Thursday everyone wrote in their agenda the materials that is each student's responsibility to have at school for the test.  Please make sure those items are ready to go as we cannot share erasers, math sets, etc. during the test.  Yes it is true!  The students will be able to use a calculator for all portions of the math assessment, so please ensure that they have a working one at school.

Image result for eqao clipartIn recent weeks, the students have been asked to review the anchor charts found on our web site as a way to prepare.  That is really all that they need to do.  We have been preparing for this event all year and I feel that they are as ready as they will ever be.  They have learned how to answer literacy open response questions in five lines or less with all of the successful attributes, how to answer multiple choice questions, how to use the steps of problem solving for math (staying inside the box), developed a diverse vocabulary, and learned what a wide variety of questions are asking them to do.  We have read a long list of texts and have developed many reading strategies.  We have written many text forms, used all of the writing traits, and gained appreciation for the dictionary and thesaurus.  Now the rest is up to them!  Best of luck and knowledge everyone and thanks to all of the families for your support! 

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