Tuesday, May 05, 2015

D.C., Vocab, Results, and Bars

Image result for dress codeThe good weather is finally here!  To go along with that comes the reminder of our dress code policy here at St. Gabriel School.  Shorts are acceptable and recommended, but they must be of the longer style ("Bermuda" shorts, walking shorts, etc.).  T-shirts are also recommended but they must have a cap sleeve.  We DO NOT measure the thickness of straps because tank tops, halters, muscle shirts, etc. are not acceptable.  In addition, the sheer shirts over any of the unacceptable shirts are not allowed either.  FLIP FLOPS and SANDALS are not recommended.  Wear running shoes and socks instead.  Since we have started to use Frisbees in gym, we will be having gym outdoors as much as possible, and students cannot participate without outdoor running shoes.  Truthfully, I have witnessed a student hurt their toe badly, at recess, resulting in losing the toenail because proper footwear was not worn.  Don't forget that we do have air conditioning in our room when we need it!  Modesty is always the best policy.

Here are the last two batches of vocabulary words that have been presented by students from our class.  We took a vote last week and the class voted overwhelmingly in favour of having one more turn before the year ends.  Please check the calendar for your next date.

On that topic, Christian has presented another very interesting word:  CONTRONYM.  These words are words that can be their own antonym.  Here are some examples:

bolt - to secure or to run away

clip - to fasten or to detach
dust - to add fine particles or to remove fine particles
grade - an incline or to level

How fun!

Here is the solution for last week's crocodile question.  This type of thinking also helps to demonstrate the various levels that can be earned for responses.  The additive thinking would be below the expected level (ie. level 1 or 2) but the multiplicative thinking would be the desired response (level 3 or 4) depending on how much thinking the student put onto the page to solve the problem.

Keep this in mind as you try this week's question.  It is due on Monday.  Please put your response, that is on line binder paper, in the IN BOX on or before May 11.

Justify your thinking.

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