Wednesday, May 06, 2015


We continue to work toward understanding how to calculate the theoretical probability of a situation, calculate the experimental probability, then compare the two.  This is what I have been observing when I assess the students' work daily:
-some students do not construct tree diagrams correctly.  OUTCOMES must be listed in the tree, not the objects used to test the results.  Please refer to the anchor chart.
-some students are not consistently using probability words to describe their theories and/or results.  See the number line anchor chart.
-some students are not converting fractions to percents and decimals when calculating probability.  Demonstrating the ability to do this is higher level thinking for our grade level, since we can apply at skill we learned in a previous unit to new situations.  I have asked the students to do this at all times, unless otherwise specified.
-converting percents to correct portions of spinners is also challenging for some students.

These photos show us performing experiments on Monday.  Please support your child as they work to master this and perform well on the test on Friday.  I have worked with some students at recess and students are always expected to correct their mistakes.  I also encourage them to seek guidance from me rather than wait for me to seek them out.

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