Thursday, May 07, 2015

Health Homework

Image result for coffee, orange juice, muffin
Good Morning Mrs. McAuley!
Enjoy breakfast and your morning read!

Image result for drug safety bookIn conjunction with our health and VIP studies about drugs, each student has received their very own resource book.  It is theirs to keep and, although we are using it this year as a source of information, it may prove to be useful in the future, especially when they enter high school and may be faced with challenging decisions regarding this topic.

The homework that has been assigned is this:  1. Students are asked to watch the enclosed DVD with at least one parent.  This video is divided into seven short sections that range between two to six minutes in length each, so it is not necessary to watch it all at one time.  
2.  Parents are asked to read part four (Section for Parents) of the print resource, page 91-104.  
3.  When these tasks are complete, please write in your child's agenda "drug safety homework complete" in the Tuesday May 12 section of the agenda.  This homework is due Tuesday May 12.  Please ensure that this book is at school daily beginning on that date as we will be using it in the classroom.  Thank you so much for your support!

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