Thursday, April 09, 2015

Thanks for Your Support!

Thank you so much for all of your support in supplying items for our Mexican Fiesta basket.  As you can see, there is quite a collection of items that would make quite a feast!  Many families sent in items!  Special thanks goes to the families of:  Justin, Brooke, Isaac, Devon, Robert, Andrea, Karissa, Logan, David, Hannah, Mahleik, and Gina.  Maybe someone from our class will be the lucky winner!

Here is the latest collection of words that have been presented for our vocabulary of the day exercise.  On Wednesday our class demonstrated that this activity does have merit.  We worked on some revising lessons together with the focus being on using strong words.  The results were amazing!  Many students have built quite a diverse vocabulary this year - many using words that I have taught or that have been presented by our peers!  Congratulations!  Keep it up!

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