Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Shocking Developments

Image result for electricityWe have continued our study of everything electricity.  Recently, the class completed some group research and presentations.  Their assignment was to teach their classmates about a specific method of producing electricity, the pros and cons of the method, and provide a short video to assist with the understanding.  Each group contributed to a live Google document, in which they also embedded the link to the video they chose.  Each student has this document shared with them so that they may watch the videos as a studying tool.

series circuit with one light
series circuit with two lights
We have also begun to construct circuits.  The students are being asked to use the knowledge they have gained so far and create working series and parallel circuits with one or more light bulbs.  The students are using universal symbols when they draw and label diagrams of their creations.  Eventually we will also include a switch in our circuits.  Ask them to explain each diagram you see here as a good review - using science vocabulary!

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