Monday, April 20, 2015

Good News and Field Trip!

Image result for good news  Congratulations to the following students who won last week's Good News Ticket draw:  Kameron, Helena, and Joey!  Keep up the great work!

Image result for values influences and peers program On Friday all grade six students from our school took home blue permission forms requesting your permission to allow them to attend a VIP field trip that will be held on Wednesday April 22.  I apologize for the late notice, but Staff Sergeant Mizuno and myself have been working for the last few weeks to organize this experience and it finally all came together on Friday afternoon.  We will be travelling by bus to Devonshire Mall where we we learn about all of the security features that have been put in place there for everyone's protection.  This will hopefully deter anyone from considering shoplifting or any related crimes in the future.  Please sign and return the permission form along with $5 by Tuesday April 21.  Thank you very much in advance.

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe


Harriet Tubman:  Freedom Train
 On Friday we held our final Literature Circle meeting for this set of novels.  The duo tangs were collected and marked on the weekend so that the students have a final mark based on their reading and their responses to the reading.  I was disappointed with the number of students who did not complete their reading and work on time, when they were at school all week.  Some students need to manage their time more efficiently.  They will work to complete their group book talks this week and present them on Friday.
Tuck Everlasting

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