Friday, April 17, 2015

Latest News!

Image result for summarizeDid you know that we have been honing our skills in writing summaries for the last couple of weeks?  This is a very important reading strategy that helps to demonstrate a student's understanding of the text they have read.  They will be formally evaluated on this skill in our class, they will see this on the last CASI (question #1) that they will do in June, and it is possible that they may need to do something like this while writing the EQAO assessment next month. Some students are struggling with this skill since a summary is very different from retelling.  A summary requires inferences and conclusions (higher level thinking) while a retell just states the important facts that were stated in the text.  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS PRACTISE THIS AT HOME WHILE DOING THEIR DAILY READING.  I posted the anchor chart that we created on our Literacy Anchor Chart Archive page earlier this week, so feel free to get them to use that to assist.  On the anchor chart, you will note that we have differentiated between fiction and non-fiction texts.  We have done many of both of these in class, both with shared reading and Literature Circle work.  It will also be present at centres next week.
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Image result for drive 4 ur schoolOur Social Justice club will be hosting a Drive 4 UR School event on Saturday April 25 from 11am-3pm.  The proceeds will go to our efforts in Ecuador.  Check your child's backpack because a flyer was sent home yesterday.  Click here for more information.

Image result for baby boy clip artSpecial mention goes out to Christian's mom who stopped by and brought his new baby brother for "show and tell" on Thursday.  He looks like Christian, seems very happy and healthy!

The latest writing that we have embarked on is writing a persuasive letter and envelope.  We have learned the parts of a formal letter, have discovered what the purpose of each paragraph in a persuasive letter is, and we will be writing one collaboratively before the students embark on their own.  They should brainstorm ideas that they consider problems or issues that they would like resolved.  Stay tuned!

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