Thursday, April 30, 2015

Results and Crocodiles

Here is one possible solution to last week's proportional reasoning open response question.  Is it possible to solve this using ratios too?  Congratulations to all of the students who completed this on time and earned one or more Good News tickets (four students had to stay in for recess to complete it).  Please take the time to notice how clear your solutions need to be.  You must explain what you are doing and why you are doing it so that is it clear for someone else to understand it.

Here is the next question.  Please complete it on a lined piece of binder paper and place it in the IN BOX on or before Monday May 4.

Image result for crocodile clipartAt the zoo, there were two long-term resident crocodiles that have affectionately been named Prickles and Tiny. Image result for crocodile clipart When they arrived at the zoo, Prickles was 4 metres long and Tiny was 5 metres long.  Five years later, both crocodiles were fully grown.  Prickles was 7 metres long and Tiny was 8 metres long.  Did Prickles and Tiny grow by the same amount?  Justify your thinking.
Image result for crocodile clipartImage result for crocodile clipart

Note:  An information letter was sent home on Tuesday providing information about the EQAO testing that will take place at the end of May.  Please make sure to read it and clear your child's calendar so that they do not miss any testing days.  Thank you very much in advance!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Literature Circle Wrap Up!

Tuck Everlasting
On Friday each Literature Circle group presented their group book talk.  In addition to demonstrating reading strategies, discussing character traits of the main characters and providing a book recommendation, each group had to select three additional tasks from our "Think Tac Toe" board.  Here are the results.

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

Tuck Everlasting
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe



Harriet Tubman:  Freedom Train
Please note that today, the students will be selecting a new text and group and the process will begin all over again!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Good News and More Good News!

Image result for good news Congratulations to last week's Good News ticket winners:  Mattle and Katarina.  Keep up the great work!

Image result for WOW Congratulations to April's WOW winners:  Hannah, Julia, Katrina, and Connor.  The theme this month was consistently cheerful classroom cooperation!  It is nice to have such positive people in our room!

Last week we began to work on our latest unit of math:  probability.  We began by performing an experiment.  We also discussed the theoretical and experimental probability of the outcomes.  What fun!  Learning too!

Monday, April 27, 2015


Image result for P.D.Day

It's true!  While you are enjoying the day off, the staff will be at work... working hard!

Image result for P.D.Day

Friday, April 24, 2015


Image result for drama clipartFor the last few drama classes we have been having fun learning how to perfect our skill at a type of drama - tableaux.  We have done a variety of individual, partner, and group versions.  Pictured here you will see each groups' idea of a wedding.  Ask your child about the role each of their group member was fulfilling.

After numerous opportunities to practise, we created a list of success criteria, and the students are now in the process of working on a tableaux that will be evaluated.  Ask them about it!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Criminal Youth Justice Act

waiting patiently
disaster tunnel - capacity 700
security check-in

fire panel
On Wednesday we travelled to the Devonshire Mall to participate in the presentation made by the security department informing us about all of the security measures that have been put in place at the mall for our safety. We got to tour many areas in the mall that we didn't know existed.  We also have a new appreciation for security guards.  We also now see that there is no point in trying anything illegal - we are always watched!

big blue

security office - camera serveillance

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Shocking Developments

Image result for electricityWe have continued our study of everything electricity.  Recently, the class completed some group research and presentations.  Their assignment was to teach their classmates about a specific method of producing electricity, the pros and cons of the method, and provide a short video to assist with the understanding.  Each group contributed to a live Google document, in which they also embedded the link to the video they chose.  Each student has this document shared with them so that they may watch the videos as a studying tool.

series circuit with one light
series circuit with two lights
We have also begun to construct circuits.  The students are being asked to use the knowledge they have gained so far and create working series and parallel circuits with one or more light bulbs.  The students are using universal symbols when they draw and label diagrams of their creations.  Eventually we will also include a switch in our circuits.  Ask them to explain each diagram you see here as a good review - using science vocabulary!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Results and Fuel

Congratulations to those students who completed the blog question and handed it in on time.  No longer are these questions optional.  The students were told last week that they are expected to complete the blog math question each week.  Ask your child if they did or had to stay in for recess because the homework was not complete (5 did!).  

Here is a possible solution to last week's proportional reasoning question.  Please note that while many students arrived at a correct answer, not all made their thinking visible and/or explained what they were doing and why.  This is extremely important in math solutions.

Here is the latest question.  It is due on Wednesday April 29 (since Monday April 27 is a P.D.Day) for all students as this task is no longer optional.

A motor bike can run for 10 minutes on $0.30 worth of fuel.  How long could it run on $1.05 of fuel?  Justify your thinking.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Good News and Field Trip!

Image result for good news  Congratulations to the following students who won last week's Good News Ticket draw:  Kameron, Helena, and Joey!  Keep up the great work!

Image result for values influences and peers program On Friday all grade six students from our school took home blue permission forms requesting your permission to allow them to attend a VIP field trip that will be held on Wednesday April 22.  I apologize for the late notice, but Staff Sergeant Mizuno and myself have been working for the last few weeks to organize this experience and it finally all came together on Friday afternoon.  We will be travelling by bus to Devonshire Mall where we we learn about all of the security features that have been put in place there for everyone's protection.  This will hopefully deter anyone from considering shoplifting or any related crimes in the future.  Please sign and return the permission form along with $5 by Tuesday April 21.  Thank you very much in advance.

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe


Harriet Tubman:  Freedom Train
 On Friday we held our final Literature Circle meeting for this set of novels.  The duo tangs were collected and marked on the weekend so that the students have a final mark based on their reading and their responses to the reading.  I was disappointed with the number of students who did not complete their reading and work on time, when they were at school all week.  Some students need to manage their time more efficiently.  They will work to complete their group book talks this week and present them on Friday.
Tuck Everlasting