Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to St. Gabriel and a special welcome is extended to those students who are new to our school community (yeah Kameron!!)!  St. Gabriel is a great place to learn.
This summer our school and staff underwent many changes.  There are many new staff members, many rooms have been relocated and renovated, and the school yard looks different too! As a result my classroom has moved to the senior end of the school.  Due to construction, I was not able to move into my room until the afternoon of August 27.  As you can imagine, it has been a mad dash to complete everything and ensure that I was completely ready for the first day of school.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who assisted and/or volunteered to assist me in this process:  my husband, both of my children, both of my parents, and some good friends of mine.  Without you I do not know if everything would have been done the way I wanted it to be.  Special thanks also is extended to our custodian Mr. Plante, who worked hard so that I could get in on Wednesday, rather than Friday as originally planned.  Also, thanks to Mr. Marenchin, we have new bulletin boards, a white board, and an air conditioner to use!

I like to take a lot of photos, so here is the transition.

From this...

...to this, in less than a week!

When each student entered our room this morning, this is what they found on their desk.  Ask them about it!

Please make sure to check and sign your child's agenda nightly and parent homework is due Friday.

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