Monday, September 29, 2014

Good News Winners and VIP Information

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Julia and Robert!  Keep up the good work!

This coming week we will begin our VIP program.  Please see the Assignments page of this web site for two attachments:  September VIP letter, and Community Service form.  One of the requirements of graduation from the VIP program, is that each student MUST complete ten hours of COMMUNITY SERVICE by May 29, 2015.  This may not be activities within your own home, as that does not serve the community.  Students that are involved at school (such as foot patrols, bus patrol, Peer Pals, door monitors, etc.) are able to accumulate the time that way as long as the teacher supervisor is willing to sign their form.  Once the hours are complete, please bring in your completed form and ONE photograph of yourself doing community service.  The photo may be a hard copy, on a jump drive, or submitted through your mytools2go account.  It is important that we emulate our school motto for this school year:  BE THE CHANGE!

Monday's math homework may consist of your child correcting work from last week if they did not follow the steps of problem solving.  On September 24, we did yet another question together so they should have a full solution in their blue workbook.  Some students asked if they could take home their purple problem solving workbook and I have allowed them to but it must come back tomorrow (Tuesday).  Thanks so much for you assistance.  P.S.  Many students are finding that their multiplying skills are very weak.  Please review these to 12x12 daily for speed and accuracy.

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