Monday, September 08, 2014

Independent Readers

Last week we set up our Literacy boxes, and learned all about the independent reading expectations in my classroom.  Each student used the 5-finger rule to find a "just right" book and began reading it independently.  We sure have some "royal readers" in our class.  Ask them what that means.  We will have independent reading every day, using books from our classroom (only).  Check it out!

I have also begun to conduct reading conferences with students on a one-on-one basis.  This will likely take a couple of weeks.  I have asked for the students' patience while they wait their turn.  During a reading conference I get to collect information about each student's preferences, skills, and needs.  I will use this information to assist with the formation  of guided reading groups.  Ask your child about their turn.

Did you know that last week we read our first mentor text?  Here it is!  Ask your child about the text and the purpose for reading it. 

Congratulations is extended to this week's Good News ticket winners: Justin (twice), Kameron, Brooke, Tori (twice), and Robert .  Keep up the great work!  Everyone should work hard at earning more tickets this week, as the process begins all over again!

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