Monday, September 22, 2014

Good News Winners!

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Christian, Connor (twice), Mahleik, Justin, and Katarina.  Keep up the great work!

Math update:  On Friday we had a class discussion about the students' math work.  Since I look at the students' work daily, I am able to monitor progress.  I also see how students record their work and explain their thinking.  As a result I have noticed that there are many students' work that is messy, disorganized, and difficult to interpret.  I have asked that they use an eraser rather than crossing work out, I do not want them to draw horizontal lines between questions, and I do not want them to box questions.  Each day there must be the title, date, and page number with assigned questions recorded.  Each new question must start at the margin.  I will continue to coach them about recommended methods of recording, and it is also a good idea to refer to the anchor charts so that students' work looks the way the anchor charts do.  I hope that parents can assist with coaching them about neatness from home as well.  When it comes to EQAO in the spring, if an evaluator cannot understand a student's work, a mark of zero is earned.  Thank you for your support!

For today's word hunt, please try to find one palindrome.  A palindrome is a word or phrase that is spelled the same forward or backward.  example: HANNAH.  Good luck!

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