Thursday, September 11, 2014

Characteristics of a Narrative and Oxymorons!

The first text form that we have been learning about is the narrative.  This is an umbrella term that many other genres fit into (such as suspense, mystery, adventure, biography, and so on).  While I have been reading "Punished" by David Lubar to our class, we have been identifying characteristics of a narrative and providing evidence from the text to support our thinking.  This is a great thing to have your child practise at home since they should be reading at least 20 minutes nightly.  Please see the anchor chart on the Literacy Anchor Chart Archive page of this site for a list of the characteristics.  We have discussed the fact that to be a good reader you must read and think at the same time.  People that don't think while reading are simply word callers.  I would like our whole class to be good readers!  Happy Reading and Thinking! 
Today's homework is to find one oxymoron.  Here is an anchor chart to assist you!

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