Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Parts of the Roman Catholic Mass

With our trek to the church to attend mass last Friday morning, we officially began our next Religion unit:  Parts of the Mass.  Today we brainstormed what we think we know and crafted a list of questions that we would like to know the answers to by the end of the unit of study.  Please notice that I simply recorded the students' ideas, without censoring for accuracy.
Next, the students received a diagnostic assessment about the parts of the mass that they completed last week.  Unfortunately, most of the class demonstrated level one or lower achievement on this task.  The good news about that is that they will have to opportunity to learn many new things.  Today we also watched a twenty-three minute video which teaches about the parts of the mass.  I asked the students to look for the four main parts and to notice when the congregation was sitting, standing, or kneeling.  Fortunately we were able to come up with the names of the four parts of the mass, collaboratively.  Here is the link to the video.  Feel free to watch it and discuss it with your child.  Although it is an American production, it meshes completely with the mass that we celebrate.  As you know the Catholic mass around the world is the same, just delivered by different priests in different languages, as necessary.

Pun of the Day - The girl said that she recognized me from the vegetarian club.  I told her that I have never seen herbivore.

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