Saturday, February 15, 2014

Good News!

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Sarah (twice), Ashley, and Evan S.  Keep up the good work!

 Here are this week's Mad Minute results:

Number correctly answered (/60)            Number of Students
                 below 20                                                    3
                  20-29                                                       10
                  30-39                                                        5
                  40-49                                                        1
                 absent                                                        4

On Tuesday, the package for the last three weeks will go home for goal setting, metacognition, and a parent signature.  Please return it promptly, as some still have not returned the package from  January 27 (three weeks ago).                          

Thank you to all the students who brought Valentine cards, treats, and/or pencils.  Very thoughtful!

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