Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Family Life Homework

 After the March Break we will be working on a section of our Family Life curriculum that also coincides with a section of our Health curriculum:  Created Sexual.  Due to the sensitive nature of the material, I am requesting that parents review this material with their child(ren) in advance of our classroom activities.  This will provide you with the opportunity to see the material that your child(ren) is/are learning, play an important role in this education, and field questions from them that they may not feel comfortable asking in the classroom setting.  Feel free to use this as the daily home reading assignment.  As a result, they have been given the textbook resource to take home with them.  I am asking that collaboratively parent and child read pages 57 - 86 inclusive.  When this reading is complete, please record "Family Life reading complete" in the March 5 area of the agenda and RETURN THE TEXT TO THE CLASSROOM.  This reading is due March 5.

Pun of the Day - I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger, then it hit me!

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