Saturday, February 01, 2014

Good News!

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Frankie and Ethan!  Keep up the good work!

 Thankfully, there was a mild improvement in the Mad Minute results.  Last week, the lowest score was 10, but this week it was 14.  There seemed to be a slight shift higher overall and some students told me that they have begun to practise this week.  Keep it up!  You will reach 60 in no time!  Here are the results:

number of correct responses (/60)            number of students
                 0-10                                                    0
                11-20                                                   4
                21-30                                                  12
                31-40                                                   5
                41-50                                                   1
                50-60                                                   0

Another cute use for the dominoes during indoor recess this week.  Unfortunately both the dominoes and Jenga blocks had to be removed from the students due to inappropriate play.  Thank goodness they were able to play outdoors on Thursday and Friday!

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