Thursday, February 20, 2014

Drug Education

Wednesday we began our study of legal and illegal drugs.  Not only is this a portion of our VIP program, but this also correlates with a section of our Health curriculum.  We did a few introductory activities which included our mind map, a version of true/false with think/pair/share component, and a VIP visit.  Ask your child about the poem we read called Death of an Innocent.
Sergeant Mizuno brought Constable Shane Renaud with her today.  He specializes in drug education and brought many items that we were able to examine, a video, and a powerpoint presentation.  Check out the photos.
Constable Shane Renaud

The Effects of Meth on the human body.

Healthy lung

Smoker's lung with cancerous tumour

Inert samples

Inert samples

Please note:  On Friday afternoon our school will be participating in our own version of the Winter Olympics.  All students have been put on teams and know their team number.  This event will be outdoors, weather permitting, but will be indoors if the forecast holds true.  The students have been told to dress appropriately to ensure maximum participation.  Don't forget to wear red or Canada gear if you have it!
Pun of the Day - I didn't like my beard at first, then it grew on me!

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