Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pot Luck!

Our pot luck was a huge success.  Thank you to all of the families who sent in generous portions of delicious treats!  The students had to opportunity to fill their plate many times and visit the selection in Mrs. Coates's class as well.   They were able to enjoy dessert after they ate the main courses first.  We have a little left over so that we can snack on the last day of school, then I will send home the remaining dishes on Thursday.

We also were entertained by some kindergarten singers.
Finally, not all of the students have returned the "Show What You Know" and math test, signed.  Please send them in today.  I do not want duo tangs and/or work lost during the holidays.  In addition, I will send many rubrics home in the New Year for parent signatures:  poetry reading, movement skills, social studies, and religion.  That way, we can worry about returning books and rubrics in January.

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