Monday, December 16, 2013

Pot Luck on the Horizon!

 Thank you to all of you who have generously agreed to contribute items to our Grade 6 Christmas Pot Luck Luncheon that will be held on Wednesday.  We have a great menu planned, and obviously the students only need to bring a morning snack for that day.  Based on the sign-up sheet, here is the anticipated fare:  taco dip and chips; mandarin, Caesar, and pasta salads; fruit tray;  dinner rolls; finger sandwiches; meatball snowmen, chicken wings; pizza rolls; escargot (snails); mini meatballs; crepes; rice krispie squares; assorted Christmas cookies; banana bread; cupcakes; fudge; water and juice.  We will also have the opportunity to sample items from Mrs. Coates's room and her class will get the same chance in our room.  If you plan to bring the items at lunch time on Wednesday, please note that we will be beginning at about 11:30 am.  Also, if you would like your plates/bowls/platters/serving spoons returned, please ensure that your name is clearly marked on each item for easy identification.  Thank you very much in advance! 

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