Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Did You Know...?

Did you know.....

  • that our math test is Thursday?
  • that we continued our locomotor work in gym on Tuesday?  We added static stretches and springing to our repertoire of moves.
  • we have begun working on movement sequences, in gym, which will be evaluated next week?  The students are encouraged to use the success criteria to help them plan effectively and be successful.
  • we had new windows installed in our classroom this past weekend?  They are beautiful and allow much more light in.  Now, all we need are window coverings (which are necessary when using the laptop and projector, or overhead).
  • we have been learning a lot about Mary, Joseph, and their role in the Nativity Story?  Many students are surprised by the way of life that people - especially women - led 2000 years ago.
  • Friday is the last day to sign up for our Christmas pot luck?  So far we have a few different varieties of cookies and some cupcakes, so we would appreciate items such as salad, veggies and dip, rolls, paper plates with plastic cutlery, for example.
  • that Ellen leaves for Dubai on Thursday?  We wish her well in her chess challenge.                                                                     
  • that next week is a four day week?  The Christmas holidays officially start on Friday December 20 this year.

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