Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Movement Skills Presentations

On Tuesday, our class worked in their groups to present the movement sequence that they created and have worked on for the last few gym classes, for evaluation.  After each presentation, our class used our success criteria to give each group "a star and a wish".  Overall I am very pleased with the results.  We will continue this topic after the holidays and integrate our dance curriculum with gym.  Check out the photos.

On Tuesday, Sergeant Mizuno also visited us and led a discussion about bullying and peer pressure with all grade six students.  Let's hope that the students really practice what we have been discussing lately.

Our unit 5 math test was finally returned as well.  Everyone has now completed it and they have all been marked.  Please return them signed BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS.  That way we can avoid losing them during the holidays.  Thank you for your assistance!

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