Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my students, their families, and the loyal blog followers (Hi Mom!) a very Merry Christmas!  Rest, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends.  Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Social Studies Presentations

On Thursday we completed our Social Studies presentations about the six First Nations cultural regions that existed in Canada over 600 years ago, before the arrival of the European explorers.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Good News

This week's Good News ticket winners are Chris and Frankie.  Congratulations!  We will resume in January.

Although I am very disappointed with the results of this week's Mad Minute overall, I must report that Brandon scored the highest.  Extra special congratulations are extended to Markus who scored the second highest this week and again was most improved!  The last three weeks' results will go home on January 6 for parents' signatures.  I highly recommend that all students practise their multiplication facts and read during the Christmas break.

 Thank you very much to all of you who sent wonderful Christmas gifts to school for me.  I sent thank you cards home with all students.  I hope you had the opportunity to view them.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Music Assembly

On Thursday our class was treated to a musical assembly to help kick off the Christmas holidays.  Pictured here are the participants.
Grade 3 recorder players

Grade 4 recorder players

Grade 8 All Star Band

St. Gabriel Choir

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pot Luck!

Our pot luck was a huge success.  Thank you to all of the families who sent in generous portions of delicious treats!  The students had to opportunity to fill their plate many times and visit the selection in Mrs. Coates's class as well.   They were able to enjoy dessert after they ate the main courses first.  We have a little left over so that we can snack on the last day of school, then I will send home the remaining dishes on Thursday.

We also were entertained by some kindergarten singers.
Finally, not all of the students have returned the "Show What You Know" and math test, signed.  Please send them in today.  I do not want duo tangs and/or work lost during the holidays.  In addition, I will send many rubrics home in the New Year for parent signatures:  poetry reading, movement skills, social studies, and religion.  That way, we can worry about returning books and rubrics in January.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Movement Skills Presentations

On Tuesday, our class worked in their groups to present the movement sequence that they created and have worked on for the last few gym classes, for evaluation.  After each presentation, our class used our success criteria to give each group "a star and a wish".  Overall I am very pleased with the results.  We will continue this topic after the holidays and integrate our dance curriculum with gym.  Check out the photos.

On Tuesday, Sergeant Mizuno also visited us and led a discussion about bullying and peer pressure with all grade six students.  Let's hope that the students really practice what we have been discussing lately.

Our unit 5 math test was finally returned as well.  Everyone has now completed it and they have all been marked.  Please return them signed BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS.  That way we can avoid losing them during the holidays.  Thank you for your assistance!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Signature Please!

On Monday I was able to return the students' Show What You Know work from last Wednesday.  Please review, sign, and return them ASAP.  I do not want to chase these items in the New Year.  Two students still have not written the last math test, but I hope that they will complete them tomorrow.  Stay tuned.
On Tuesday we have our Movement Skills Evaluation planned for our physical education class.  Also, we will be attending our Advent mass at Corpus Christi Church, and participating in the latest VIP session.
Please note:  I have purchased all of the paper plates, napkins, cutlery, and table clothes for our pot luck tomorrow.  It seems like it will be a great experience!  Thanks for your cooperation!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Pot Luck on the Horizon!

 Thank you to all of you who have generously agreed to contribute items to our Grade 6 Christmas Pot Luck Luncheon that will be held on Wednesday.  We have a great menu planned, and obviously the students only need to bring a morning snack for that day.  Based on the sign-up sheet, here is the anticipated fare:  taco dip and chips; mandarin, Caesar, and pasta salads; fruit tray;  dinner rolls; finger sandwiches; meatball snowmen, chicken wings; pizza rolls; escargot (snails); mini meatballs; crepes; rice krispie squares; assorted Christmas cookies; banana bread; cupcakes; fudge; water and juice.  We will also have the opportunity to sample items from Mrs. Coates's room and her class will get the same chance in our room.  If you plan to bring the items at lunch time on Wednesday, please note that we will be beginning at about 11:30 am.  Also, if you would like your plates/bowls/platters/serving spoons returned, please ensure that your name is clearly marked on each item for easy identification.  Thank you very much in advance! 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our Latest Art Technique

During the last couple of weeks, the students have been learning about and practising the technique of collaging - meaning using a collection of torn paper and other media glued on a background to created a silly image.  The process began with me showing them a slide show of works created by real artists.  From there they created Advent wreaths since we learned about Advent in Religion.  Next we collaboratively worked on a class set of silly "Mad Libs".  For their evaluation piece, they had to create a piece based on a silly Mad Lib they received randomly.  Check out the photos!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Good News and Mad Minute Results

Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Frankie and Ellen!  Keep up the good work!

This week's top Mad Minute achievers are:  Chris, Frankie, and Steven.  Congratulations also to those who have improved the most:  Steven and Chris.  Unfortunately no one scored higher than 35.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Math Evaluations

On Wednesday, our class completed some of the "Show What You Know" questions from unit five plus some questions from past EQAO assessments for evaluation.  On Thursday, we completed our unit test.  Unfortunately, due to many absences, they will not be returned to the students until all students have completed them.  Thank you for understanding.  I will let you know via this blog when they have been returned to the students so that parents can sign and return them promptly.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


In Social Studies, the students are working on a mini research assignment in the jigsaw format.  That means that the class has been divided into six groups, and each group has been assigned the task of researching, preparing an overhead and visuals, and presenting information to their peers about one of the six original First Nations cultural regions that existed before the coming of the European explorers, centuries ago.  We are integrating our literacy skills of finding the main idea and supporting details, and using visuals to aid comprehension, into our history unit.  This also allows the huge task to be broken down into smaller chunks, and distributed between peers.  We will be answering an open response question for evaluation at the conclusion of all of the presentations, hopefully next week.  Ask your child which region they are researching!  Check out the photos.