Saturday, December 15, 2012

Good News!

   Congratulations to the Good News Ticket winners this week:  Ryan, Nathan, and Julianna.  Keep earning tickets!  We will begin the process again next week.

Constable Silver visited with us yesterday.  His message was to hold strong to your values, even when tempted by peer pressure.  Peer pressure will be a temptation throughout life, even in adulthood, so strength is a good skill to develop when dealing with this issue.  We also discussed what makes a role model a positive one - not all famous people have good values and therefore may not be the best choice.
Our class also wishes to extend our thanks to Luca and his family for bringing in delicious dairy and peanut-free cupcakes to celebrate Luca's birthday.  Unfortunately they did not last long enough to get a photo of them!

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