Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Do You Measure Up?

Today we began unit six:  Measurement.  Our learning goals for this unit is to calculate surface area and volume of rectangular prisms; convert various metric measurements;  and to understand when to use linear, square and cubic measurements.  This is a very short unit so we will attempt to complete it before the Christmas holidays.  Therefore, our next test is planned for Thursday December 20.  For a warm-up activity we used tangrams.  The students were asked to construct any rectangle that they chose and calculate the area of it. Thank goodness we did this review, because there was much confusion about what to do and how to do it.  Please see the anchor chart on the Anchor Chart Library page of this site.  The students are expected to record and calculate their work exactly as you see there.  The students are allowed to use calculators for this unit.  Please check for your child's Data Management test.  It was sent home to be checked and signed by a parent today.

Presentations began today in gym class.  The following groups taught their invented game to the rest of the class.  It was a fun experience for all and very eye-opening for the students that got to play the role of teacher.  Check it out!

Don't forget:  tomorrow afternoon we will be having a karate session hosted by Mr. Kersey of Mr. Kersey's Karate School.  Make sure you are wearing appropriate clothing (no skinny jeans, please) and have indoor running shoes.  We will not be having gym in the morning with Mr. Kennette's class as a result.

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