Saturday, December 08, 2012

Good News!

Congratulations to this week's Good News Ticket winners:  Nathan, Michael, Maddy (twice), Raven, and Abbey.  By the way, both Nathan and Abbey read the earlier blog that asked them to write something in their agenda, which earned them an extra Good News Ticket for checking the blog.  Way to Go!

Special congratulations also is extended to the following students who are this month's WOW winners for a "Commitment to Quality Work":  Julia B., Maddy, and Abbey.  Way to go!

We also participated in our WOW assembly.  Some performances by various groups of students were displayed as well.  Our class sang Christmas songs, and some of our class participate in the sign language club, Voice to Hands, which did a special rendition of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".  Thank you to those families who were able to attend.
On Friday each student took home a class picture, whether or not they ordered an individual package.  Please ask your child for it!

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