Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Did You Know?

Did you know that this website has been in existence since September of 2011, when I returned to the classroom?  As I continued to learn various facets of this method of communication, I began tracking activity on this site on April 23, 2012.  Since then I have had hits from 91 cities in 14 countries around the world.  Those countries are:  Canada, United States, Italy, Philippines, Australia, Romania, Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Swaziland, and South Africa.  Other than South America and Antarctica, all continents are represented.  I find all of this very interesting.  I can tell how long someone visited my site, how many and which pages they perused, what device they used, etc.  The reason I am telling you this is because if you have the opportunity to travel in the near future, try to remember to visit our site while you are on vacation - I will be able to tell where you are and you can keep up on the things we are doing while you are gone!  I can also tell that not many of my students' families check this on a regular basis.  Why not sign up and have it sent to your email automatically?  It is a great discussion starter and a fantastic way to see what goes on in Grade 6C on a daily basis.

Did you also know that today our class celebrated Advent Penance?  Ask your child about it!

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