Thursday, December 06, 2012

Beyond the Moon

Yesterday most of St. Gabriel School went to the Capitol Theatre to view the play, "Beyond the Moon".  This story had a Christmas theme and included many technological elements, such as sound effects, lighting, fog, and fire, that added to the tension in various scenes of the play.  We will be responding to it by answering a variety of open response questions that we had viewed prior to going.  This directly relates to expectations from our Drama curriculum.  I was disappointed with the behaviour of many students in my class on the bus, however.  Let's hope that that will not be repeated on future trips.

On Friday we will be participating in our WOW assembly.  It will begin at 12:30pm in the gym.  The award winners will be recognized, as well as there will be a variety of musical performances, including our class singing Christmas songs.  Come and join us if you can!

On Wednesday a letter/order form was send home from the Harvest Fresh Catering Company.  They provide hot lunches once per week to anyone who orders one.  There is a variety of menu items to choose from, and they do work with special dietary needs.  The dates related to this program can be found on our Class Calendar page of this website.

Mr. Kersey is coming to St. Gabriel!  In a similar fashion to our large group Zumba class held last month, Mr. Kersey, from Mr. Kersey's Karate School will be here on December 13 to work with all students from grade 3 to 6 in the gym on some karate and self-defense moves.  He will also address the group on the topic of bullying.  Come prepared with appropriate attire and a smile!

On Wednesday, we collected our final lot for our Christmas Giving Campaign.  We filled yet another basket!  Thank you very much for your generous donations!  This truly is the spirit of Christmas!
If you are reading this post before the end of the school day on December 7, in your agenda on that date please write your favourite thing about Christmas and show Mrs. Colautti before dismissal on Friday December 7.

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