Friday, December 04, 2015

Advent Observances

Image result for advent wreathThis week we reviewed what Advent is.  Here is a picture of an Advent wreath.  Ask your child if they remember what each of the following stand for:  wreath (circle shape), evergreen branches, four candles.  Why is there a pink candle?  Why do we use a fifth candle that is put in the middle of the wreath?

Image result for reconciliationYesterday we had the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation with one of a collection of priests who came for the occasion.  Many students reported that they were asked to do some penance (although it was not necessary to tell me) and that most did it right away.  This is an important step in preparing for Christmas too, because we must be forgiven before we can welcome Jesus back into our lives again.  Did you know that this sacrament can be celebrated as often as you wish?  A priest is always available on Saturdays at 11 am at Corpus Christi Parish.

Image result for the nativity storyComing soon to a classroom near you (meaning ours) we will examine the Nativity Story from Mary's perspective and hopefully have a better understanding of the importance of her role in it.

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