Friday, November 07, 2014

Good News!

Unofficially, our class has sold over $1600.00 worth of MacMillan's product for our fundraiser. Great job! Unfortunately, not every family in our class participated.  Mr. Marenchin has extended the deadline to Monday, so for those who still did not return your order, there is still time!  If you need another order form, just let me know.  If you sell just one item (the lowest cost is $10), then that could allow our class to have 100% participation - and you will get a great-tasting product in return!

On Thursday we participated in the "human chair" that loaded the 4000 cans and boxes onto the truck for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Check out this link for the media's version of our success. Click here

We also participated in Deskercise!

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