Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Test Formation, Food Drive, and Good News!

Last week we had some summative evaluations (tests).  When we do this, the students move their desks into "test formation" so that they are their own islands, free from distractions and the opportunity to see others' work.  Check out how hard we are working!

Did you know that we are participating in a "Scare Away Hunger" non-perishable food collection initiated by our school's Social Justice committee?  We are having a friendly school-wide competition, with the class who brings in the most items winning a Hallowe'en party on October 31.  So far our class has collected 47 items.  Keep collecting Guardians!

Congratulations is extended to last week's Good News ticket winners:  Katrina, Mahleik, Katarina, Justin, Isaac, and Eric.  Keep up the great work!

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