Monday, October 27, 2014

Good News, Good News, and More Good News!

Congratulations to those students who won last week's Good News ticket draw:  Katarina, Matt (2), Justin, Robert, and Tori.  Keep up the great work!

Here is the evidence from our "Scare Away Hunger" can drive so far!  We are doing a fantastic job!  This is the last week, so let's make a strong finish!

As of Friday, students from our class have reported selling approximately 20 items in total for our school fundraiser.  That is a fine start, but let's work toward earning the incentives that we voted on!  Keep selling Guardians!

Please continue to review the seven geometry pages that can be found on the Numeracy Anchor Chart Archive page of our site.  We will be using this information daily in math and the more schema you have in this area, the better you will do!

IMPORTANT NOTE - This is a friendly, but important, reminder that all students are responsible to catch up on all work in all subject areas that is missed due to an absence.  They can certainly ask me, or anyone in the class, and must catch up as soon as possible.  It is possible for a sibling/ classmate/ friend/ neighbour to bring missed work to an absent student.  If a parent calls the school and requests the work, it will be left at the office so that the parent can pick it up before the end of any given day.   Some work must be completed at school, so in that event recesses will need to be used when the student returns.  Responsibility is an important learning skill to teach our students, in addition to the curriculum expectations. 
I realize that some absences are not planned, such as an illness, but when they are, I would appreciate knowing in advance.  Anyone who told me in advance of Friday that they were not going to be in attendance, wrote the math test on Thursday.  Those who did not will have to use recess time to complete it.   Thank you for your assistance and understanding in this manner.

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