Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fundraising Incentives!

On Friday we participated in our fundraising kick-off assembly to motivate the students to participate and support our school.  A special thank you is extended to those students from our class that created the money signs and held them during the assembly.

Here are the rewards that can be earned on a school-wide basis:
If the entire school sells a combined total of $4000, we will earn an extra recess.
If the entire school sells a combined total of $8000, we will earn the right to watch teachers compete in tricycle races around the track.
If the entire school sells a combined total of $12000, we will earn the opportunity to watch Mr. Marenchin and Ms. Blain sumo wrestle and joust.
If the entire school sells a combined total of $16000, we will earn the reward of bowling or skating.

Each student that sells a minimum of $10 worth of product will receive a ballet for each multiple of $10 that is sold.  These tickets will be placed in draws for baskets of the students' choice:  sports basket, movie basket, craft basket, and/or games basket.  Students may also choose to put their ballot(s) into a draw for one of eight spots in  limousine.  The limousine will take the winners and Mr. Marenchin out for a Subway lunch and a cruise around town.

For our classroom incentives, if there is 100% participation (regardless of the dollar amount), we will have a cupcake decorating and eating party (dairy and nut free, of course).
In addition, for an average of $10 per person, we will have some fun time at Curry Park.  For an average of $20 per person, we will have pyjama day.  For a mean of $30 per person we will have a movie, and finally for an average of $40 per person or more, we will have a pot luck lunch.  Of course, if all students participate AND we reach a mean of $40 per person, we get to participate in all of the above mentioned incentives.

So, let's go Guardians!  Do your best to support our fund raiser!

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