Sunday, March 16, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!  I hope you are well rested and ready to work toward EQAO and finish the year!  On Monday March 17 all students will receive the following tests and evaluations that require a parent's signature:  math unit 10 test, literacy, Mad Minute, and Religion.  PLEASE RETURN THE SIGNED ITEMS THE NEXT DAY.  Thank you for your cooperation. Also, MANY students did not return the Show What You Know from unit 10 (that was returned on March 4) with a parent signature.  If that is you, please have it with you tomorrow. 

Don't forget about our Lenten coin drive, your Lenten Promise, and meatless Fridays!  It is also Brandon's day for vocabulary of the day tomorrow and please wear green as it is St. Patrick's Day! Also please continue to wear boots to school for the next while.  The school yard is a mess of ice right now, and that will turn to muck as things begin to melt this week.  Too many students were not wearing boots before the March Break and they had to put up with cold wet feet all day!

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