Saturday, March 22, 2014

Good News and Cancellation!

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners: Sarah and Markus .  Keep up the good work!

Meatless Friday lunches:  This week 40% of our class brought meatless lunches to school.  Some options I saw were bagels and cream cheese, jam sandwich, cheese pizza pockets, and perogies.  Don't forget about hard-boiled eggs, egg salad, or Zoodles in a thermos!  What can you think up for next week?

NEWS ABOUT MAD MINUTE: Please note that we will no longer be engaging in weekly Mad Minute drills.  Unfortunately, I have not noticed the progress or achievement that I anticipated.  Since every teacher is limited to the amount of paper that they can use, it does not seem to be beneficial to continue to use paper when the task is not motivating change.  I do recommend that the students continue to practise, however, as this is a vital skill in the realm of mathematics.

 Our class wishes Ashley a speedy recovery!  Come back soon - we miss you!

Please note:  The last day for NED Yo-yo sales will be Monday.

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