Saturday, March 29, 2014

Good News and a Teachable Moment

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket draw winners:  Nick and Brandon!  Keep up the good work!

Today 39% of our class had meatless lunches.  Good for you!  Can we beat this next week?

Yesterday I had to put a quick end to a drama activity that we were doing due to some inappropriate subject matter that was presented by some of our class.  I took the opportunity to use this unfortunate incident as a "teachable moment". I would appreciate it if parents could review this with their children and stress age-appropriate behaviour.  Please ask your child(ren) about the "party" tableaux that was the topic of discussion.  Again, not all of the students were involved, but this presents the opportunity to have a valuable discussion with your child(ren).  Thank you for your support in this matter.

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