Thursday, March 06, 2014

A Success!

Our Ash Wednesday Mass was a success!  Special thanks goes out to those students from our class who participated in a specific role:  Aidan, Evanleigh, Bromleigh, Jack, Ethan, Rocco, Julianne, and Emily.

Today we also discussed the importance of Ash Wednesday, Lent, receiving ashes, and the specific actions that we should do during Lent.  Each student made at least one Lenten Promise and wrote it on a piece of paper.  They will be housed on our prayer table for the duration of Lent.  Please support your child in this venture.

We have also begun collecting coins (a form of Alms Giving) for our coin drive in support of the children of Kenya.  Please bring your loose change!
Since today was Ash Wednesday, I took a poll of the students' lunches.  I am pleased to report that 32% of our class had meatless lunches!  Try to remember that I will be conducting a poll each Friday in Lent.  The next school day that is a Friday is March 21.  What can you bring?

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