Monday, March 31, 2014

Drama: Tableaux

On Friday we continued to explore the form of drama known as Tableaux.  Based on our work last week, we developed some success criteria, then used it as we continued to work through various scenarios using this type of drama.  The students were evaluated at the end of the class for the first time, based on a group one frame tableaux.  This week we will take is a step further and they will earn another mark.  The rubric will go home to be signed next week. Check out the photos.  Can you guess which situation each group is trying to portray with their bodies?

In math we continued our work with geometry last week.  We have most recently worked with symmetry:  line and rotational.  Look at our creations!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Literature Circle Meeting #2

Elijah of Buxton group

Frindle group

On Friday our class met in their Literature Circle groups to discuss the week's reading with their fellow group members.  Although not everyone was ready to present their findings because not everyone completed their role, this was much less this week.  Please continue to encourage your child(ren) to use time wisely and respect establish timelines.
Tuck Everlasting group

Holes group

We also had the Holy Names High School Leadership students in our classroom to lead us in Deskercise.  A fun time was had by all!

                                                                 Active Participation!

Since Monday is opening day for the Detroit Tigers baseball team, we are encouraged to wear any Tiger gear that you might have or you can wear blue and orange to participate too!  The forecast looks great!  Let's get into the SPRING of things! Go Tigers! 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Good News and a Teachable Moment

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket draw winners:  Nick and Brandon!  Keep up the good work!

Today 39% of our class had meatless lunches.  Good for you!  Can we beat this next week?

Yesterday I had to put a quick end to a drama activity that we were doing due to some inappropriate subject matter that was presented by some of our class.  I took the opportunity to use this unfortunate incident as a "teachable moment". I would appreciate it if parents could review this with their children and stress age-appropriate behaviour.  Please ask your child(ren) about the "party" tableaux that was the topic of discussion.  Again, not all of the students were involved, but this presents the opportunity to have a valuable discussion with your child(ren).  Thank you for your support in this matter.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Similar Figures

Through an investigation we now have a better understanding of what similar figures really are in mathematics. Make sure you are writing down all proof needed to prove that figures are similar.  Have you checked out the anchor charts for this unit yet?  They do appear on the Numeracy Anchor Chart Archive page of this site.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Fitness Circuits

Again this week, we worked on a series of new fitness circuits.  I am noticing marked improvement in many students' skills and endurance.  Keep working hard!

Don't forget to bring in those coins for our Social Justice fundraiser!  Our school is working toward collecting $10 000 to build a school for children in Kenya!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Since returning from the March Break, we have been working on improving a very important reading strategy:  summarizing.  The students now know the difference between a retell and a summary.  This should help for our next CASI reading assessment as well as EQAO, not to mention our in- class evaluations.  After creating jot notes and writing a summary collaboratively as a class, here you will see photos of students working in groups of three or four to repeat that process with more independence and less support from me, using a different text.  Get them to practise this skill with the reading they do nightly!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Drama: Tableaux

On Friday we began to explore drama through a warm-up game called "Zip, Zap, Boing!".  Ask your child about the purpose for this.  Then we moved into tableaux:  a type of drama that requires students to strike a pose and freeze without the use of props or talking.  We began with students "modelling clay" which really was their partner.  Then we moved into groups of four for more challenging ideas.  They use space, body shapes, expression, and various levels to communicate ideas.  We had a lot of fun!  Check out the photos and ask your child what the topic  of their tableaux was - or maybe you can guess it!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Transformational Geometry Game

On Friday our class worked in partners on a transformational geometry game that allowed them to practise their skills at various transformations, assist each other, and seek assistance from me as needed.  Please remind your child to review the feedback that I give them daily on their practice work and seek further assistance as needed.  Each year there are always questions of this type on the EQAO assessment.

Please continue to bring in your vocabulary of the day when it is your day.  Please note:  the next round will be IN REVERSE ALPHABETICAL ORDER.  Therefore, those who recently had a turn will get another quickly.  Check out classroom calendar!