Monday, March 25, 2013

Wrapping up Transformational Geometry

Today the students received the math review work that they did on Friday, evaluated.  Please sign it and return it tomorrow.  Today we completed the "Show What You Know" portion of our unit, that is for evaluation also.  Tomorrow we will have our unit test, then on Wednesday we will work on some Problem Solving and a math journal for evaluation.  I am pleased, generally speaking with the improvement that everyone has made during this unit.  It is typical for students to find this unit difficult, and I think that we have made great strides.  The students are also becoming more independent, which is one of our classroom goals as we complete the last few months of the school year.

Our Lenten canned food drive is progressing rather slowly.  A few items were brought in today, but I think we can do more.  Please try to bring in something so that we can help people who are less fortunate than we are, have a nice Easter.

Did you read the challenge on yesterday's blog?  Apparently not many did as only six students handed in their agendas with an attempt at the question.  Those students earned Good News Tickets.  If only each student or their family could check our blog daily.........

Today's classroom Lenten Promise is:  Don't say "like".

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